Free Word/Doc Excel/Xls to Htm Html Converter is a conversion software program which main aim is allowing you to convert Microsoft Word and/or Excel files into HTML documents quickly and comfortably. The program is designed to perform the HTML conversion without changing the original layout of the source Word or Excel file.
One of the most important features of this tool is the possibility to batch convert your files, so that you can add a mixture of Microsoft Word and Excel files, and convert them all in one single step. In fact, the program allows you to choose a folder and convert all the files it contains at once. (However, this feature is only available in the registered version of the program.) Its interface is simple and it gathers all the controls in one single environment. In the upper panel, you can see a list with all the files you have previously added for conversion. Strangely, though the program is supposed to convert Word and Excel files only, allows you to add to the batch list PowerPoint and text files too.
The program also shows you an additional panel with several tabs with configuration settings. However, most of the options here are disabled, and you can barely select the output folder location, whether it should be automatically opened when the task is finished or not, and if it should put all the sheets together when converting an Excel file. more
Take your skills to the next level with tables, formulas, formatting and more.
Help you convert PDF file from different document formats including doc, docx.